Best Grep Tool For Os X

This section describes the setup needed by various operating systemsin order to run crosstool-NG, as well as some OS-specific caveats and limitations.The package lists given in the following subsections cover all the features testedby the sample configurations. You particular configuration may not need all thosepackages. For example, git is needed if your configuration is for an uClinux-basedtarget which requires elf2flt utilities (which does “rolling releases” and mustbe checked out from a Git repository).

DnGrep, PowerGREP, and AstroGrep are probably your best bets out of the 9 options considered. 'Supports advanced search options' is the primary reason people pick dnGrep over the competition. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision. This page replaces the old page entitled Unix grep for OS X and Nisus Writer Express, which is now obsolete. (2007-09-26) Version 0.7.2 (2007-09-26).

Best grep tool for os x os


Best Grep Tool For Os X Download

Sample configurations for supported Linux distributions are available as Dockerconfiguration files in the testing directory. You can use the contents ofthese files as a list of the packages that need to be installed on a particulardistribution.

If on the other hand you encounter a dependency not listed there, please let usknow over the mailing list or via a pull request!

Windows: Cygwin

Originally contributed by: Ray Donnelly

Prerequisites and instructions for using crosstool-NG for building a crosstoolchain on Windows (Cygwin) as build and, optionally Windows (hereafter)MinGW-w64 as host.

  1. Use Cygwin64 if you can. DLL base-address problems are lessened thatway and if you bought a 64-bit CPU, you may as well use it.

  2. You must enable Case Sensitivity in the Windows Kernel (this is only reallynecessary for Linux targets, but at present, crosstool-ng refuses to operateon case insensitive filesystems). The registry key for this is:HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerkernelobcaseinsensitiveRead more here.

    Since release 1.7, Cygwin no longer supports the ‘managed’ mount option.You must use case sensitive FS.

  3. Using setup.exe or setup-x86_64.exe, install the default packages and alsothe following ones:
    • autoconf
    • automake
    • bison
    • diffutils
    • flex
    • gawk
    • gcc-g++
    • git
    • gperf
    • help2man
    • libncurses-devel
    • make
    • patch
    • python-devel
    • texinfo
    • wget
    • xz

    Leave “Select required packages (RECOMMENDED)” ticked.


    • The packages marked with * are only needed if your host is MinGW-w64.
  4. Although nativestrict symlinks seem like the best idea, extracting glibc failswhen they are enabled, so just don’t set anything here. If your host is MinGW-w64then these ‘Cygwin-special’ symlinks won’t work, but you can dereference them byusing tar options –dereference and –hard-dereference when making a final tarball.I plan to investigate and fix or at least work around the extraction problem.Read more here.

  5. If both BFD and GOLD linkers are enabled in binutils, collect2.exe will attemptto run ld which is a shell script so you need to make sure that a working shellis in your path. Eventually this will be replaced with a native program forMinGW-w64 host.


  1. Cygwin is slow. No, really, really slow. Expect about approximately 5x to 10x slowdowncompared to a Linux system.

FreeBSD (and other BSD)

FreeBSD support is currently experimental in crosstool-NG.

FreeBSD does not provide a gcc command by default. Crosstool-NG and many of the packagesused expect this by default. A comprehensive fix for various ways of setting up the OSis planned after the 1.23 release. Until then, setting up the following packages isrecommended as a prerequisite for crosstool-NG:

  • archivers/zip
  • devel/automake
  • devel/bison
  • devel/gettext-tools
  • devel/git
  • devel/gmake
  • devel/gperf
  • devel/libatomic_ops
  • devel/libtool
  • devel/patch
  • lang/gcc6
  • lang/gawk
  • misc/help2man
  • print/texinfo
  • textproc/asciidoc
  • textproc/gsed
  • textproc/xmlto

Use any supported method of installation, e.g.:

Even with these packages installed, some of the samples are failing to build. YMMV.

Previous version of the installation guidelines

Contributed by: Titus von Boxberg

Prerequisites and instructions for using ct-ng for building a cross toolchain on FreeBSD as host.

  1. Tested on FreeBSD 8.0

  2. Install (at least) the following portsarchivers/lzmatextproc/gseddevel/gmakedevel/patchshells/bashdevel/bisonlang/gawkdevel/automake110ftp/wget

    Of course, you should have /usr/local/bin in your PATH.

  3. run ct-ng’s configure with the following tool configuration:
  4. proceed as described in general documentation but use gmake instead of make

macOS (a.k.a Mac OS X, OS X)

Note macOS is no longer officially supported by crosstool-NG. If the instructionsbelow work for you, congratulations. If they kill your cat, ye be warned.

Best Grep Tool For Os X Operating System

Originally contributed by: Titus von Boxberg

The instructions below have been verified on macOS Sierra (10.12). They have been previouslyreported to work with versions since Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) with Developer Tools 3.2,and with Mac OS X Leopard (10.5) with Developer Tools + GCC 4.3 or newer installed via MacPorts.

  1. You have to use a case sensitive file system for crosstool-NG’s build and targetdirectories. Use a disk or disk image with a case sensitive FS that youmount somewhere.

  2. Install required tools via HomeBrew. The following set is sufficient forHomeBrew: autoconf binutils gawk gmp gnu-sed help2man mpfr openssl pcre readline wget xz.Install them using brew install PACKAGE command.

    Also, installing homebrew/dupes/grep is recommended. It has been noticed that GNU libcwas misconfigured due to a subtle difference between BSD grep (which is used by macOS) andGNU grep. This has since been fixed, but other scripts in various packages may still containGNUisms.

    If you prefer to use MacPorts, refer to the previous version of the instruction belowand let us know if it works with current crosstool-NG and macOS releases.

  3. Mac OS X defaults to a fairly low limit on the number of the files that can be opened bya process (256) that is exceeded by the build framework of the GNU C library. Increase thislimit to 1024:


  1. When building on macOS, the following message may be displayed:

    It is reported when the host version of libiberty (from GCC) is compiled by macOSdefault compiler, clang. In absense of any reported multilib information, libibertyis then configured with the default compilation flags. This does not seem to affectthe resulting toolchain.

  2. ct-ng menuconfig will not work on Snow Leopard 10.6.3 since libncursesis broken with this release. MacOS <= 10.6.2 and >= 10.6.4 are ok.

  3. APFS filesystem is known to have some random issues with parallel build of GCC.See this bug report fordetails. Don’t use APFS, or turn off the parallel build in crosstool-NG (settingthe number of parallel jobs to 1 in the confiuguration) as a workaround.

Previous version of the installation guidelines

Crosstool-NG has been reported to work with MacPorts as well, using the following setof ports: lzmautils libtool binutils gsed gawk. On Mac OS X Leopard, it is also requiredto install gcc43 and gcc_select.

On Leopard, make sure that the MacPort’s gcc is called with the default commands(gcc, g++,…), via MacPort’s gcc_select.

On OSX 10.7 Lion / when using Xcode >= 4 make sure that the default commandsgcc, g++, etc.) point to gcc-4.2, NOT llvm-gcc-4.2by using MacPort’s gcc_select feature. With MacPorts >= 1.9.2the command is: “sudo port select –set gcc gcc42”

Best Grep Tool For Os X Catalina

This also requires (like written above) that macport’s bin directorycomes before the standard directories in your PATH environment variablebecause the gcc symlink is installed in /opt/local/bin and the default /usr/bin/gccis not removed by the gcc_select command!

Explanation: llvm-gcc-4.2 (with Xcode 4.1 it is on my machine“gcc version 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2335.15.00)”)cannot boostrap gcc. See this bug

Best Grep Tool For Os X Os

Apparently, GNU make’s builtin variable .LIBPATTERNS is misconfiguredunder MacOS: It does not include lib%.dylib.This affects build of (at least) GDB 7.1Put lib%.a lib%.dylib as .LIBPATTERNS into your environmentbefore executing ct-ng build.See herefor details.

Note however, that GDB 7.1 (and anything earlier than 7.10) are knownto fail to build on macOS.